August 14, 2017


otherwise there would be no possibility.

By Virgilio Rodríguez Castro.

Ideally to achieve a successful company with optimal results is necessary to make a thorough review of our universe of work without omitting any of the considerations that should intervene in our analysis by detecting all the pores in his round face otherwise we will be deceived talking about his beauty makeup the small and big imperfections. V.R.C.

"In times of change
the zero is a reference
worthy to consider "

Dear friends with your permission in the first place, I want to share with all of you the text that on the occasion of the "March for Science" on April 22 next I published on my Facebook page because I consider it highly significant in the context of the present document, says like this:

"Hello friends, in these complex times that we do not all endeavor to complicate, it is truly stimulating to know with certainty where we can turn and find a refuge to shelter ourselves; therefore, firstly, I wish to share with all of you, my deepest appreciation to the "International Scientific Community" for the exemplary response of its members and the solidarity demonstration of each and every one of the fans, friends, students, teachers, doctors, researchers, scientists, universities and related associations that communing with the idea of ​​science were manifested with ingenious banners of the guild on April 22 of this year of 2017 on the occasion of the "March for Science" around the entire small blue village and particularly to all the thousands and thousands of fans that gathered not only in the city of Washington, DC but in the 500 cities of all the territory of the American Union leaving irrefutable record of its high "CONSCIENCE FOR THE SCIENCE" unique way to achieve the development of the peoples in our only house and common cause; therefore, our most warm and warm greeting. "

"Because of their praiseworthy attitude, we have also celebrated it with great joy, hoping to keep our spirits up in everything, until Science is assimilated as the Governing Instrument of Public Policies, designing with the scientific spirit the Teaching-Learning Programs for each and every one of the Levels and Matters in the Educational Centers taking as reference the MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE XXI CENTURY, struggling at the same time for the establishment of the "Secretariat of Science" within the structure of the Governments in addition to many other fronts to open in time. "

Best regards.

Virgilio Rodríguez Castro.

Well, dear friends, it has been a little less than two years since I submitted to your kind and high consideration the Introduction to my Advanced Development Model "DYNAMIC BALANCE POINT" that you then knew with the title "Golden Ratio as Key for the National and International Growth"
which takes shape in the present document to my great regret, in a way synthesized by the pressing circumstances to which the recent events have forced me but which today I very much share with all of you, dedicated with my recognition to Mrs. Angela Merkel in particular, in general to the Statesmen of the G-20, to the Organization of the United Nations to its General Secretary Antonio Guterres concerned about the welfare of their peoples and deferentially to the International Scientific Community occupied by, for and with the destiny of the Planet in these times tangled prejudged lightly by own and strangers of super complicated s. XXI.

"For the time being, we have come to see how the pitas have become entangled, which is an advantage because this gives us the ability to untangle and roll them up correctly" Non nova sed nove, Chapter VII, page 9, V.R.C., 2009.

It is common to hear, dear friends, in the voice of specialists in any field of knowledge, that it is their particular discipline that could at any given moment resolve from their perspective any approach to the social enigma at the discussion table and, not without reason, when we know today with certainty of the close interconnection between the different fields of knowledge and between Astronomy, Physics, Geology, Mineralogy, Chemistry, Geography, Ecology, Biology, Genetics and between these fields and we humans who are the ones trained we have given account of the ordering of almost all the Natural Laws in the previously nominated subjects and, among others of another rank, own of the curiosity and human nature like the Philosophy, History, Anthropology, Sociology, Psychology etcetera, more others in my opinion of evident lower level in this tenor such as Politics and Economics candidates still to this day and this moment to submit to the strict rigor of science to be classified as scientific or nonscientific and be assigned accordingly its true hierarchy according to the structure of the new order of global scientific values ​​and by extension to warn if they were competent or not for the direction and decision making in the conduction of the s. XXI as it is to whom it corresponds conclusively sentenced below: illustrated, with the scientific exercise experienced in the Sciences of the Language where the phonemes are subject to their measurement via the electromagnetic impulses of the human brain giving sound life to the phoneme then the language is charged for it precisely its attribute or quality as scientist. All the sciences however consecrated to the KNOWLEDGE OF HUMANITY in the cosmos with the pretension to explain us and other pseudo to entangle us.

"Picked up in my own silences
feeling part of the creation
it relieves and comforts me
incorporate myself into the greatness of what was created
feel like the little insect
by the same supported hand
fulfilling his designs in full concert"

Aquiles Rodriguez Nava.

Certainly, as we have said before, no one as a specialist is not right from his particular point of view, but its relevance will be greater, insofar as his narrow vision is enriched by many more reflections, versions or points of coincidence of each specialty given its intimate correlation.

In this way dear friends, to explain our statements, we will develop the formula said from our discipline MATHEMATICS to give certainty to the premises to be enunciated and the supremacy with respect to the other unsustainable labyrinths of pre-science in which we are still involved in THE ERA OF KNOWLEDGE.

For such a thing, it will first be necessary to take a bird's-eye view of the more familiar, recurrent, and/or regulating twists of human behavior that have distinguished the relationships between men and women, insisting on it still to this day; in such a way, that allows us from this retrospective to glimpse with certain clarity the possible future and we can go weaving in parallel with this Loom of Waist in the cover, the multicolored threads of our Model of Jorongo to be able to shine it in the next festivities.

Cualquier Sarape es Jorongo abriéndole bocamanga.


The war, dear friends, since we have news of the Medical Wars, tells us of their petty causes and origins, of their Generals and Strategists like Aníbal who was the first, of their barbarian warriors, of their murderous weapons, of their frantic victories , of his disconsolate defeats and also speaks to us of the great scientific contributions with which he has provided the progress of humanity paradoxically; therefore, putting the supreme conviction that we can abolish the basenesses that give rise to it, we hope that by this tenuous gap penetrate the ray of light that illuminates the consciences of the strong and can share among themselves the proposal that the armies current ones reduce their militias until they reach the goal of 75 percent that would not be needed in a devastating nuclear missile war; substantial savings that would be used to strengthen the super-scientific-social structure of each country in the world.

The endless inventory of discoveries throughout history and from the concave mirrors that Arquimedes (287-212 BC) directed to burn the sails of enemy ships to the prodigious Internet in the 21st century have been scientific applications and principles that born in the very bosom of the war for this reason we hope that we achieve as a first step redirect through this gap the vision and composition of the current armies as a very suggestive initiative for countries with budgets and economies always in serious difficulties.

As you may notice, dear friends, the purpose of bringing up the subject of war to this CONFERENCE FOR THE ANALYSIS OF GLOBAL DEVELOPMENT in addition to what has already been suggested; on the other hand, with no less interest, to highlight something that can not be ignored from the military-historical experience, that is, the fact that victories have not been the direct consequence of having many more soldiers or more and better weapons than the enemy but the constant victory in this becoming has simply been the result of order, discipline and perseverance in addition to the conviction that is more important than the three previous principles.

There are countless examples throughout ancient and contemporary history such as the Victory of Marathon by the Greeks in 490 BC. J.C. against the Persian forces 10 times superior in number; as well as the defeat to the Persian squadron at the hands of its sailors in the Naval Battle of Salamis the first to record history. And so, in this order of ideas, we can also remember the defeat of Darío's 500 thousand soldiers for 40 thousand of Alejandro. Another sample is represented by the famous Battle of Alesia in Gaul where the militias of Julius Cesar with 60,000 soldiers defeated the forces of Vercingetorix formed by 150,000 soldiers.

In modern times we recorded many frequent examples of de facto wars not won by powerful armies such as U.S.A. in different latitudes of the globe or as in Mexico the internal war of Porfirio Diaz whose army lost the offensive against the peasants armed with stones, sticks and machetes but, with the profound conviction of the Triumph of the Revolution of 1910 the first of the 20th century followed by the Russian Bolshevik who submitted to the Imperial Army of Nicholas II the Zar of all the Russias in 1917.

And what can be said of the Battle of May 5 in Puebla Mexico, where the Zacapoaxtlas Indians armed with what they had at hand came out victorious over the conviction of defeating the French army of Ferdinand Maximilian of Habsburg the most prestigious at the time.

In short, dear friends, there are many instructive examples in this sense that we should treasure. In other times the towns that had greater population and/or territory were of by themselves fearsome for the bayonet warfare; today, the landscape has changed substantially, we have territorially small countries with powerful missiles and other large ones with thousands of conventional missiles and conventional armies out of context in an ostentatious climate of wars directed from a distance from the CENTERS OF OPERATION FOR DEVELOPMENT AND DEFENSE OF DEMOCRACY by an intelligent finger, that of the president here, supplying the thousands or millions of soldiers who, first and foremost, tax their Institute, the welfare of their countrymen, the prosperity of their respective countries, peace, tranquility and security of all of us via the draconian tariffs to maintain its status quo by undermining and impoverishing every day more not only our valuable lives but that of the planetary ecosystem for war.

Well, dear friends, when we launch the convincing proposal per se that the need can not be postponed to imagine in these complicated times only entangled in my opinion of the global society of s. XXI, was how we should UNDERSTAND and put into order the things that are inherent to us as a society in evolution in a different global scenario as would be required of all the precepts, concepts and paradigms in force that concern us today from the science of language to the aerospace industry then they left immediately feel rushed, which reveals the absence of any idea, certain decoded sentences of the said statement and codified under the traditional political design subject to economic management as in the recent past has been usual with the structural idea of DEVELOPMENT without considering the "Natural Laws" that for centuries we have been able to catalog rigorous in FORMAL SCIENCE relegating them to the second level knowing or having to know that, without alteration, all the natural phenomena of the biosphere and beyond are mathematical reactions or be physically and chemically the most accurate, precise and unique to grasp and emulate in any case and look to be able to guide us in our daily tasks such as knowing the weather for today as in fact, science has been proceeding for the research and development of projects and models of different natures in the different fields of knowledge: nanotechnology, molecular biology, quantum physics to astrobiology without which, we would not enjoy the scientific and technological acquis of today in the same way as we, with these bases, we will try if there is no black hand SAVE TO THE BLUE PLANET before 5 billion years and its FRAGILE CONTENT considering homo digitalis also, that is, what will be the scientific treatment that we will give to our MEGAMODEL to be able to prosecute it for its habitual systemic development from east to west and from septentrión to noon without distinguishing signs, symbols, codes or borders on the world map according to the mathematical canon or advanced development model outlined, with the interest of achieving the overall prosperity of those who inhabit including irrational animals.

"For me,
The Advanced Development Model
it is without human beings "

The Blue Planet.

Well, sympathetic friends, as well as in the immediate past were accepted without opposition the words that today give scientific certainty to everything you want to develop via KNOWLEDGE and a previous MODEL as a mode of scientific production so we will now make use of another principle emerged of the "ARN Knowledge Center" of greater scope than those previously mentioned as defining in this context because only grouped the two in this simple concept to be enunciated, represent per se the three, the unique key or password of the global task to innovate without which any representation that aspires or pretends to contend for development in its purest sense will be left out of all argumentation, that is, in fact, we do have a proven scientific knowledge plus an insurmountable technological model that gives us a secure handhold for humans the superior design of projecting the future with HUMAN SENSE thanks to:


Surely incredulous and surprised you will also be as I was for 33 years without giving credit to the fact that it was this unnoticed statement, for modest, the magic open sesame to elucidate the things of advanced global development as integral and we must understand it now, thanks to the strict research in other different fields of knowledge guaranteed its strength by respecting its preponderant and unmovable place that has to do mostly with physics than with politics or the economy known where the reluctant establishment presumed to surreptitiously solve the distribution of wealth, equity, recreation, rest, health, work, preschool, basic, middle and high school, teaching-learning plans and programs, salaries, hiring, jobs, unemployment, security, production, productivity, bonuses, sale, market, consumption, supply, profits, utilities, transportation, famine, insalubrity, violence, insecurity, impunity, corruption, terrorism, organized political crime, global warming and the rule of law without obviously obtaining convincing results and less without considering that they are the simple arguments and not the detestable ones by entangled, contrived for the opprobious establishment jargon by conduct of the marketing, economy and politics, which will guide us on the right path in this case to access the desired agreement of the controversial issue of social development.

We hope that this agreement will be unanimous but I suspect with great sorrow that there will be confused people who still cling to immobility as a foothold thinking atavistically that their indolence is the state that should continue to tolerate the rest of society.

However, I am convinced that any person interested in the study of development regardless of their political affiliation, race or creed will arrive promptly at the same irrefutable conclusions as any other person who deals with the issue formally and, allows them all equally agree why, when, where, how and what should be done to protect grow economically and humanely with our fundamental premise or password:


If the wayward with these evidences do not occur by alluded, is that we must encourage the March for Plan "B" because we do not approve that what is achieved economically by a group makes sense but we justly value the real growth of the individual, of the social entity, of men and women as the center of our efforts and permanent efforts.

Here in Mexico we have a very Mexican saying that speaks of providing accommodation to those who require it: "Todo cabe en un jarrito sabiendolo acomodar", interpreting that despite being our very tiny house, like a jarrito, the pilgrim is always given a place to take refuge, saying that painted our culture of other times because today we must accept little is practiced thanks to the chains without ethical value gravitating on the Planet on account of the deranged prevailing mode of production.

However, we do not question the efforts of the professional organisms of environmentalism, people from civil society interested in the issue at a global level and governments do not significantly affect their tasks in the interest of reversing the process of accelerated degradation that we suffer living and inert beings but, according to my deductions, they are insufficient at a given moment, if not for adopting the advanced model of development proposed that brings together all the isolated projects, now as donkeys without rope, mediating the same divisor common otherwise will only be good aspirations with poor results because of the magnitude of the problem that overwhelms us and that far exceeds us or that, despite the virtues of any order that means to each individual project will be as they have been commonly llamaradas de petate as they say colloquially here in my land for the reasons I adduce.

If we had known the cycles of the biosphere in the past we would have left virgin forests with their flora and fauna and we would have cooked without firewood, we would have built the buildings without wood and we would have heated and illuminated our homes with wind and solar energy via photocells without the measures as they are today were fortuitous, but not enough.

If our ancestors of the planet on the coast had known the techniques of fish farming, we were today in the beautiful San José del Cabo, B.C.S. Mexico tasting marine products such as the Wahoo and chocolatas clams without disturbing the life in the hydrosphere and protecting among other species the Vaquita Marina (Phocoena sinus) endemic to the Bermejo Sea of ​​which there are no more than a hundred.

If we had had in the past the knowledge that we have today another rooster giro we will sing right? Because, instead of opening more land to cultivation or launching more nets to the sea against natural vocation as more mouths we had to feed, we would have produced enough healthy foodstuffs in greenhouses and aquaculture ponds to cover the food demand, conserving virgin land and seas with the flora and fauna characteristic of each maritime and terrestrial landscape but, not enough, today literally invaded and contaminated by the abject decomposition of language, by the irrational fishing and poaching in the seas and, on land, by the contamination of pesticides, by the salts of inorganic fertilizers, by desertification, wind and rain erosion, by the increasing extinction of animals, trees and plants and human disgrace by greed, the most ferocious of them all, because of capital.

While it is true that today we wanted to justify the exploitation of the werewolf by the werewolf as the only insurmountable path that led us to these stages of s. XXI resting on the working classes the heavy burdens of past civilizations in the absence of the sophisticated robotics of today, which would have lightened the hard work done, we can understand even with that same evolutionary argument that was one more episode and that, obviously, not we can afford for nothing in the world in THE ERA OF KNOWLEDGE because the progress of ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE in domestic cybernetics and industrial robotics should be outlined as the two engines in the structuring of the new social order eradicating slavery not to increase unemployment.

"Cybenetica.- Greek kubernan, Latin gubernare. Currently designated the science of the means that allow to govern. To govern a system is to isolate it and impose a line of evolution. In a profound sense, cybernetics is not a technique, it is: a science of structures. The terrain of cybernetics is evolution". Albert Ducrocq.

Keeping the proportions is the same thing that has happened to the horses that now pollute have replaced them with the smog of the car, train and plane for their well-deserved rest or is in another sense, like the cataclysms that the earth had to suffer for that life will germinate.

So, dear friends, we are in time to develop each and every one of the humans one by one because the planet is developing on its own and we can not admit that those who have solved their modus vivendi with abundance even in good faith represent the highest aspiration of the individual s. XXI when they are persuaded of wrong pre-scientific opinions, which prevail until today with the results in sight.

Belatedly we had to discover after the runaway race for the much-vaunted development carry and brought, that we should have been much more careful more insightful not only with the use of language but with the always suspect principles of the establishment to not believe them one thing or the other another as immutable imposes us the dome of power from its two atavistic strengths of the economy and politics, squandering not only the precious lives of human beings, the renewable and non-renewable natural resources of the planet but squandering the invaluable time that has determined us for to be what we are and what we can become.

"Science is, has been and will be beyond the stellar implosion the password for our personal transformation, for our sidereal evolution and finally for the conquest of eternity that will lead us to unveil the knowledge of knowledge." Science is the bread our every day, August 29, 2013, VRC.

If we had educated dear friends, otherwise with other values ​​as we finally understood and conceived ourselves immersed or being an important part of nature, no more than the insect to which my Father alludes, we were not homeless suffering from cold and hunger thousands of millions of men, women and children in these lands worsened by the errors of the upstart and lousy administrator of the natural heritage of humanity that no one hired.

But, as the popular saying goes: "THE LOST IS MORE VALUED WHEN IT CAN NOT BE RECOVERED".

And this is the case to dissipate, starting by clarifying that just as they have been clumsy to manage our natural resources, in the same way with the desire to justify their inabilities to resolve in this case the inherent to the DEVELOPMENT endorse the SUSTAINABILITY in aid of . Having first corrupted the natural laws and then the language to justify their flagrant incompetence as in the "Economic Science" they invent terms ad libitum with the same vile intent to deceive "The study of money, is of all fields of economics, the only one in which complexity is used to disguise or evade the truth, not to reveal it". John Kenneth Galbraith:
Wave motion
and Devaluation 
all tricks and in politics and marketing worse.

DEVELOPMENT implies exactly the same thing as progress and progress is understood as progress without greater support to be conceived. The same with education that does not demand any support to be defined.

The undercover to act has forced them to corrupt the language to safeguard its monumental ineptitude and perverting the deteriorating word to all and each of the links in the chain of human endeavor as extensions of each other behavior. What better vehicle to corrupt than with the tool that we can not do without...

So dear friends, here is the task we must undertake new generations, chango viejo no aprende maroma nueva, with children from the womb to university MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF S. XXI as primal insight otherwise where do they think that they are going to detach naturally, educational models and teaching-learning programs with a scientific spirit?

Yes, dear friends, this is the task to be done as we have already formulated in the introduction to my document "Dynamic Balance Point" (2015): education, starting with the language, is a sine qua non subject to grow, develop, progress and/or advance through this and the new orders of the future to come as we have already indicated. Unfortunately this is not the issue to be addressed now and we return to our argument in favor of Dynamic Balance Point not before proposing making experts MODEL OF KNOWLEDGE OF THE XXI CENTURY that no pre-existing background as it would have been advisable to establish in advance as a reference universe. Thanks in advance. I know they can.

Meanwhile, we pronounce ourselves by the

  Futojino Henko.

So, considered friends, here we all go together young, old and children ordering the things that concern us all with the only tool that will allow us to clearly explain how our great things and the little things also ordered according to the mandates of natural laws is when they accurately charge its correct dimension, its true meaning and its authentic value.


In order to understand our environment, we humans have set ourselves the task of establishing an ORDER of the things that surround us by using fantasy in the absence of the most precise tools that could place us in reality as we fantasize Mexica with Tlaloc for fit it in our worldview. There was no civilization around the world that did not escape such reflections. It was the common denominator that led them to build their cosmogonic models to give meaning to their walk by inventing with the fantastic mythologies in each culture what of nature they could not express. Explanably in the past all the mythologies resorted to images of fantastic animals as well as today in s. XXI we continue using them in politics, militia, clergy, sports and in any other activity: eagle, jaguar, snake, elephant, donkey, dolphin, lion and all the species in the mythical Ark of Noah or Prometheus.

The order is connatural to man but not always right because as today it remains anchored to the nostalgia of the past. If what we have been specifying with respect to wanting to give an order to things is a rough decal of reality, we would need to add what in itself ignorance, not exclusive of the needy, is taxed with its incorrect ways to explain why the slow to walk in order to conquer social equity. Ignorance is, has been and will be the brute to tame.

Then we use the knowledge that we generate ourselves, sanctioning and validating to continue ascending in the work of carefully building the new order that we must constantly update because otherwise we prevent ourselves from evolving. For our fortune today we have an arsenal of vital knowledge, sophisticated tools and ingenuities that favor us to persevere in the purpose of establishing the new order that will have to be scientific.

The past including the closest ones have not been orders but lies because we agree to the reminiscences and our insane whims via the economy and politics that are determined today to prove that they are scientific.

Then dear friends, "When a situation, due to the complexity of its apparent structure and its visible evolution, can not be controlled by the usual means, scientists are asked to treat this situation as they treat, in their specialty, the phenomena of the Nature, and build a theory. To construct the theory of a situation or of an object is to imagine an abstract MODEL of them, whose properties simulate the properties of the object. The MODEL is always mathematical. By its mediation, the concrete issues are translated into mathematical properties". Le Matin des Magiciens, 1970, Louis Pauwles and Jacques Bergier.

Knowing then that our object follows a mathematical system we will proceed to work directly on it in that understanding that will move us as they will see unsuspected places, for which it is important to know 3 data that place us here in our place of birth: 4 thousand 600 million years the age of our host, 3 million years we have as guests here on earth and 5 billion years or its end when in the future the star that gave us life is extinguished. To continue with more millionaire figures we will mention that 8 thousand years a. J.C. the population was 5 million, at the beginning of our era it was 300 million and today in 2017 we are 7 thousand 365 million inhabitants of which 2 thousand 700 million globally live in deplorable conditions without this means that another 36% live in easy situations. Unacceptable scenario in the ERA OF KNOWLEDGE.



A scenario that invites us to reflect on whether or not it is worthwhile to build a model to live happily after all the calamities suffered in our history...

I think that if it's worth it and what we have to do is build it.

We are going to build it so that all global citizens without distinction feel that they share the ideas that flow from the MODEL and have a clear vision of what we have to do together in society. XXI with all our relatives and that we can obtain, besides understanding the spirit of the MODEL that is applicable to the official programs of here and there without distinctions of creeds or ideologies, the full conscience that must be assumed without macula or desdoro of our precious freedom and how to understand the roll at the personal level within the project of countries that we propose; that they identify with the project and that they know with clarity where we will go with the participation of all their relatives, children and grandchildren; that they have the certainty that they will have a clear future and in the end they will be able to leave in holy peace and with the conscience of the duty fulfilled; how we are going to achieve it, how each citizen can follow up on the impact and influence that he would be achieving on the harmonious development of the community and on the other hand that his knowledge will give us an accurate idea of ​​all the support of the MODEL or the structure in which is based or sustains the MODEL and the reason why its permanence in time is guaranteed.



I am a rose grower
so I finish my days
that I consumed opening grooves
to infinity pointed.

Aquiles Rodríguez Nava.

Save the proportions but valid example is what some farmers today innovate as an alternative measure to fertilize their farms based on compost, which is in fact what nature does on a large scale to produce and conserve their fertile land and give life.

In this large-scale process and at the individual farmer level to produce land or soil, the simile is almost accurate except because one is autonomous product of the interconnections between the mathematical times of nature, seasons of the year and, the other is a mode of scientific production directed by the human intellect that increasingly knows more closely how natural laws work in this and other purposes.

Farmers who have a history of how the compost is made will remember that just as in nature, there are basically litter, green foliage or fresh organic matter, local land, water from the site and microorganisms such as bacteria, earthworms and others that collaborate there scientifically to transform physically, chemically and biologically to all the elements there deposited in fertile land, how nature returns the rich nutrients to its land and the farmer punctually to his plot that he stole producing every cycle herbs, plants, shrubs, trees and animals these indirectly which of the Mother Earth obtained their food: Nitrogen, Phosphorus and Potassium basically.

The fact is that when we discovered that vegetables eat minerals, we gave ourselves the task of looking for them to make money and provide them dissolved in the water, being able to corroborate that the fruits were large and fresh, but without considering the pH of the soils, finally we altered significantly by the concentration of mineral salts administered in each agricultural cycle degrading the soil as well as with the use of pesticides in the environment by this distorted discernment.

This usual issue comes to light because it is necessary for everyone to know the interconnection between us good and bad, acting with the cycles of nature knowing or should know that if we do not return the nutrients to the soil properly they are altered. That the mineral salts that the vegetables were provided from there to eat must be restituted dosed to preserve their fertility. That the open lands with other interests or other conventional crops being patizal, forestry or another natural vocation like the mangroves in the sea for example unleash the ecological imbalance. That the application of insecticides alter the pollination of bees in demerit of food production and that finally, knowledge must be applied with awareness for this simple interest of human survival.

Because, dear friends, in history there are many examples of people who without knowing such things had to abandon their settlements because their lands no longer produced food to survive by blaming the gods which today we are just a few days away from suffering food with the Exact and same obstinacy.

Then the planet would tell us that we would not need to inhabit its round face because he will continue to comply scrupulously with the same mathematical system that we generically identify by exact or Natural Laws.

But hey, the fact is that here we are and the obligatory question is how we are going to make it decently out of the major crossroads in which we are stuck for reasons of atavistic ignorance that we have been dragging more current with uncharacteristic connotation in the ERA OF KNOWLEDGE that they have no forgiveness.

Well, I believe dear friends, that in spite of all our endemic human woes, there is no better thing that has happened to the individuals of today than to have discovered that our Universe is a wonderful mathematical language from which we have derived what we know and which has allowed us in the first instance to reach the moon so that later we fly swiftly to a designated host planet because our star became extinct, making it easier for us to know what the universe still needs to know.

And that we will know without a doubt, except that here on earth we still persist in going against mathematical nature as we already deduced and for that reason we do not give to the weird nail of how to coexist in harmony without wars with our peers by remoras of origin and what we must do as recommended not by art, good taste, good judgment or reason, but science with art, taste, judgment and good humor.

We remain engrossed from the highest stands in flowery and insipid debates as from the Laws we could give succinct answers to the Post Modern but entangled complex societies that increasingly complicate our contravention of the ORDER that is obviously not Constitutional.

At the end the rubric of Don Julian Adame a la Torre.


"I know the throbbing of the earth when 
her breast sponges when the seed burst
from his smile to life when the leaves emerge 
with chlorophyll and the miracle is consummated 
when God is closer to man ".

Aquiles Rodríguez Nava.

The recurring theme is the earth because of it we speak. Now of its classification as you can see in the world map. It is she who physically supports us gravity and alimentarily with its fruits. The one that supports our houses, buildings and millions of kilometers2 of concrete, preventing it from breathing. On which we walk every day. The one that we measure again and again with one purpose and another. The one we drilled to absorb its sap. The one that we dynamited to take out its entrails. The one that we bombed, cutting off his life. Of which we know his movements that determine his behavior. The one that has seen us born, grow and die. Which has suffered through anthropocentrism more than in the centuries that preceded it. It is the loving mother earth that confides to us that it can be done and that it does not prosecute human behavior. The earth is therefore our mathematical educational model as we have justified and what we deduce from it and propose to us is Natural Law.

That is why it is very important to protect our airs, soils, rivers and seas of which today we have a vast knowledge, its specific and vocational properties according to the climate in which they are located. Which, if we do not take care of them as has been happening, we will make terrestrial and marine ecosystems inhospitable places in a few years to the detriment of ourselves.

When, for example, urged by the need for money, we deforested an area of ​​millions of years of evolution to settle a mining or oil camp there, which firstly affects the flora and fauna due to pollution of the entire ecosystem, it is the soil, because the system radicular of the trees that kept the soil compact is now exposed to wind and rain erosion. And if we do not have soil there will be no possibility that the seeds will germinate and if the seeds that sow the "crazy" winds of February and March and the birds in their droppings will not germinate there will be no flowering in April that can pollinate the bees and if not there is floral fertilization there will be no fruit in August-September that all vegetables, trees and plants produce for food of various animal species including us the homo digitalis kings of nature; but, if in addition the said surface presents steep slopes and on these human settlements are constructed, the loose soil responds to the first rains with landslides that devastates everything in its path leaving deaths and desolation unleashing a terrible chain reaction unbalancing the ecosystems as we can frequently observe the same thing that happens with the seas, deserts, forests, forests and pastures intervened in this way by the hand of man and, mainly, those provoked by war.

From the remote past, but particularly from the most recent one, which has manipulated us with a series of superfluous needs, has led us to take advantage of all the resources at our disposal to solve the most pressing needs and frivolous disposables of modernity without repairing in the wake of garbage and destruction caused to the inerid nature that gentile provides to the irresponsible consumer market with its coveted and precious fruits leaving it in exchange invaded, dirty and weakened as we find it today.

Without exaggeration, the deterioration is of such magnitude that it seems impossible that we could find a practical and effective way to reverse the damage caused anthropogenically. And then we divide ourselves in as many parts as fields of knowledge we have trying to find out which of them brings us a conclusive solution. And of course, it is not any of them in particular, they are all and those that we do not know today as the effects of gravitational waves in outer space but that, in the absence of being able to unify the fields, we count in return with the certainty or guide of our MODEL Dynamic Balance Point that brings them together equally, that is, if the fields in the MODEL or PLANET EARTH were not unified, they will not work as well as they have done; then, what we have to do to live not only better but happy at a given moment if we decide, is to follow the MODEL thus achieving our desired goals without fear of being wrong.

However, we insist on entanglement more and, in that eagerness to reverse the damage caused by the centuries, we have shouldered the task of opening more land to cultivation and throwing more nets into the sea to obtain food on a large scale , with ships and machinery, to pretend to level the food of an exponentially growing population, which is not mitigated impartially. With the same purpose we have devised teams to treat contaminated water increasingly scarce in its natural state, but not for those who pay bottled and, we have made large investments to alleviate the energy demand that does not cover all.

Scientific and technological advances that did not exist if we had used our natural resources with today's obligatory logic.


While this was the price, today we must stop, think, talk, agree and build the new path.

The ideal is obvious in the sense that we must produce in an organic way, but not enough and some extra effort we must do to get out of the trance as we have done in the past:


We said lines above the chain deterioration that we have caused in the environment with our irrational mode of production and that no one escapes their reality by the greenhouse effect and/or global warming, pointing to Capitalism as the main promoter of such results because it has privileged the profits of the capital to the protection of the ecosystems could be of another better way if they were not so mercilessly ambitious. The wealth that accounts for 1% of the world's population is equivalent to 40% of the planetary devastation.

But it is not time to demand explanations and expose guilt, it is time for the conviction so that we all abide by the laws of nature. Nobody has imposed anything on anyone, they are principles that in order to live here in harmony, one must fulfill well as a member of nature. So what we have to do is integrate ourselves, integrate ourselves into the proposed model that represents being precisely the planet earth and whose structure are the mathematical elements that determine it.

Because there is certainly no one as a member of our community integrated to the various ecosystems does not fulfill an important function: some sow, others fertilize, others pollinate, others produce, others control, others transform and all respect the order of cycles except man that only preys and everything he does he does thinking about him hanging pendants and earrings. Extract and do not return anything to the biosphere, other than shit, collecting taxes not used in improvements to the environment.

To cook 0.500 kilograms of beans in a clay pot requires about 6 kilograms of firewood that multiplied by centuries of extraction gives us an idea of ​​what we have done with our forests without having recovered anything.
That is why we raise this initiative to provoke a chain reaction in the opposite direction so that the dynamic of nature returns to the point of equilibrium where we can live in peace in that promising future that awaits us.

But before continuing we will return to the issue of soil again but now from another perspective to clarify that when we talk about sustainability and land use is making inappropriate reference to two terms that in nature are typical of virgin soils in other words, the indissoluble binomial fertility and vocation of the virgin soil that we have cynically polluted to give it any use would have to be talked about.

Soils are fertile with a specific vocation for what they are able to produce naturally without human intrusion, that is, if the climax vegetation is grassland Navajita and Huizache because that is why it is fertile with that vocation, if the landscape is a society mesquite and nopal cardón for that is fertile with that vocation, yes the panorama is a wooded association of oak and pine because that is why it is fertile with that vocation plus what involves the flora and fauna of each place because all the elements are articulated working together there with a specific function in their natural habitat. So no one can, on the basis of his real gain and personal ignorance thinking about money, impose him on an organized ecosystem, working there mathematically for hundreds or thousands of years his short vision, introducing diverse crops and others that although in some cases they are highly remunerated as Cannabis sativa and Papaver somniferum represent more than a painful stigma of public health, a silent vehicle for the depraved chains of hidden value criminal that is no small thing; then, we must not allow entrepreneurs in these fields and politicians in their own improvised terms and gadgets to suit them to justify their pillerias because everything outside this clear conception diverts the mode of natural production dislocating all spheres; everything, because white-collar gentlemen and dubious reputation act silently placing money among friends to invest in anything; the issue is not having the money stored idle in their opinion. How to explain that they process and authorize them to change the use of the soil of a mangrove to build a summer Resort?

So as we now know that this terminology arises from the not always healthy monetary interests, so in other dubious fields of knowledge we must reveal the terminology that covers the same harmful interests before the common interest.

When with this mentality any soil is open to intensive cultivation inorganically fertilized to increase production, trying to cover the food and recreational products demand plus the industrial inputs of an exponentially increasing society, however, it does not justify its financing and less the loss to the ecosystems, today we are suffering the consequences ... The rustic activities of the field, today stand with wisdom to lead the world.


As in Genesis
to the touch of your hand comes to life
so pour into the sower's ennobled his sustenance.

Aquiles Rodríguez Nava.

Well dear friends, here you have all the model of the complete body that we have been talking about repeatedly and that we wish to return to work optimally considering the inert, vegetable and animal load that supports or that from our honest interests produces goods without demerit of its good state of health and we take advantage of them to use them as we have identified their properties.

For such a thing it is necessary to organize according to all the scientific references that we have mentioned above, knowing that our model and the structure that sustains it are mathematical systems given in the physical-chemical reactions visible and invisible to human optics in a continuous way that is to say without stop in permanent movement <https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b-2j_27FeH0> which means that our behavioral habits must conform to the model and not the other way around in this new way the NEW SOCIAL ORDER or the New World of Antonin Dvorak: 

The New Social Order that is not constricted as stubbornly they perorate from beyond the grave in their whitewashed tombs to sell their products: wash their hands after the toilet, separate the garbage in appropriate containers, recycle whatever is obtained, store the rain acid water, capture wind and solar energy, compost with kitchen waste, plant onions, lettuce, tomatoes and herbs in pots and do not wash the car with a hose but with a bucket because none of the recommendations solve anything on the bottom except your bank accounts. In its opportunity the simple argument of the model will prove it. His short-sightedness the only thing that has caused is to confuse citizens with illusions that worsen more and more the state of health of the planet.

JUNE 19, 2017.


So that the topsoil layer has formed
they must have spent thousands of years
and everything was going very well
until homo sapiens appeared.


After a long hiatus alien to my will, battling with the hydro-political-crime that has hacked this work before I put it on the network and was negotiated with its accomplices in the Center of Studies for Sustainable Rural Development and Food Sovereignty of the H. Congress of the Mexican Republic and other people and Institutions that pride themselves on being Honorable, I join today September 16 despite this, to finish my task with enthusiasm, continuing with the idea of ​​soil analysis now from the point of view of the support of the wild and human populations, being able to see how nature shows us in which places life is possible and in which it is not because of the precarious resources for it to flourish.

And although life can be found in sites considered as inhospitable, it is ostensible that depending on its adaptation to the environment, the density of the population is directly proportional to the natural resources of the place; Thus, we find limited life in the deserts unlike the prodigal in the humid tropics for example and in general where water is not scarce making a choice of sites where it finds the optimum or minimum conditions to adapt and take root in function of their needs and the resources offered by the landscape teaching us humans also in this other sense of the preservation of the species, how and where we can take refuge to transcend.

Thus we have that the population density in Saudi Arabia is 15 hab/Km2, Baja California Sur 10 hab/Km2, Aguascalientes 234 hab/Km2, Mexico City 5,967 hab/Km2 in increase, with severe load capacities not exclusively by excess of population and the demand of public services but for the foundations of houses and buildings for the lacustrine condition of their soils; hence, we can also talk about its capacity to load from these two perspectives as well as for the case of the automotive, shipping and air industries in the calculation of the load capacity of their machines for example.

Or, dear friends, what students, agricultural engineers and livestock farmers do when to project their agricultural-livestock enterprises the first thing they have to determine are the dryness indexes of their grazing areas which is nothing else than the load capacity expressed in the number of animal units/year, that is, the mother and her calf, which can be maintained per hectare according to the result of the bromatological analysis of the native forage resource given on the basis of soil fertility with the criteria previously observed.

Or when the farmer of his plot knows how much he produces to be able to maintain the needs or carrying capacity that his family represents.

Or when the peasant woman of other times contributed with her cargo capacity to carry in her lap a third of wood to her family bonfire.

Or when the average city dweller can not tax with more comfort the load capacity that represents his stunted salary.

Or when we talk about the load capacity offered by a high voltage cable to drive the electric fluid.

Or when we express in multiples of byte the load capacity of the Hard Disk, in the USB or the RAM memory.

Or the capacity of the aircraft to carry supplies to the International Space Station.

Because certainly very respected friends, as of today September 16, there is no human activity that is not invited to the calculation of the carrying capacity as far as development and scope are concerned and of the nature that it is; then, as you can see, the load capacity has been in the history of humanity determinant for the calculation of daily tasks and although we have decided a priori, as is customary, that the donkey is a donkey with high load capacity not we can impose more than two huacales.

Exactly the same thing that we should not continue to do with the battered Planet demanding it beyond what it is capable of offering according to its properties and known fertility given by the infinite physical-chemical phenomena that determine it in relation to population density because the first what must be resorted to is the deductive result that we obtain from the scientific study that must be considered in order to calculate the production and then based on it, determine the carrying capacity, the orderly way of producing to solve that load plus all that this implies and then to begin to prosecute now consciously, on the right track, the old stigma of social equity because, otherwise the insistence of planting elms to pretend to harvest pears only entangles more already contaminated minds, airs, lands, rivers and seas.

Where do they get that starting in 2050 the population that will be 10 billion inhabitants by then will start to decrease?

That is to say, that with crossed arms we should wait 33 years so that with 2 thousand 635 million more, we begin to cross our legs to have less offspring?

Or with what potion?
And in what?
And after that?

Would not it be more rational to undertake a global campaign to abate these terrifying figures that suppose more famines, scarce water and pollution of minds, soil and seas?

Because, it is not just a matter of providing food, but every innocent person we bring without your consent from Paris to our only common home, cooperating with your good dose of CO2, not of cakes under your arm, in addition to providing you with free food, toys shoes and dresses will legitimately demand for her and for her offspring from where proletariat comes in addition to strollers, pacifiers, diapers, papillas, many stories and many candies in this persistent tendency by the rude, petulant, impudent, cynical, shameless and cackled carried and brought "SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT" cars, houses, computers, tablets, cell phones, quotas per capita of meters2 of concrete, linear meters for drainage, plumbing of drinking water, cables for electric light, pipelines for LP Gas or butane and what millions of people think of consuming invading nature for past, present and future generations with the unwavering conviction that we have grown 2.9, we are growing 2.0, we will continue growing 1.9 and developing making money, hehehe only 1% of the population, without realizing that we already ate 40% of the cake and that, what is left, is greenish of very bad to see...

So we very dear friends, certainly, the term LOADING CAPACITY, which for this case will be simple to calculate by the alternative that recommends the model, it turns out to be the modest enunciation or password to which we have been referring repeatedly and that will allow us to project the future ORDERLY with its slopes as we are urged by today's times; starting by establishing what is the carrying capacity of the globe in terms not only of how many men, women, boys and girls by age strata should we be without generating more than we have calculated in this purpose, determined primarily in terms of tonnages food we are able to produce and distribute equitably among the population under the control of recommended scientific methods that do not alter the planet's biodiversity but also among other variables, which according to the results recommend the inventory of plant strata and quantities of animals wild, domestic and human, contributing CO2 because, usually, when it comes to quantifying, among others, Carbon Dioxide and Methane in the atmosphere for this purpose, only aerosol, vehicle and industrial equipment emissions are considered, without this being achieved partial to establish the equilibrium point that allows the cic those of nature continue with their harmonic normal dynamics once the jobs replaced by the machines have been solved and we can complete this line.

Because dear friends is not just a matter of quantifying, rating Land, CO2 or Money, it is about our lives that is to say about ourselves in the process of being better to live better in the next term of 5 billion years unless we destroy ourselves before with our stubborn way of governing or producing that is the same; in such a way, that with deference we invite those who have curved their path to join this generational march through knowledge; trusting, in that the scholastic and familiar formation of the kindergartners in this intention reap fruits to develop any model that they are proposed and can accede when adults to another SUPERIOR ORDER of the social evolution.

That is, knowing how many individuals or people should be supported in these investigations, will therefore naturally translate into how we should organize together with what we have outlined before regarding the paradigm shift as it is scientifically planned to undertake at work not conventional, in the school and in the family reinforcing the affective bonds immersed all in the new social order having as model the not very known Brownian Movement as we will see next. Hence the bubbles in the images of the document that similarly illustrate human behavior in the new social order.

Because "If we were asked to adjust to a model to explain freedom, communication and society by extension would be through what is understandable to us through science or are the simple ways that nature shows us with obviousness that is, from the physico-chemical point of view or the behavior of such reactions and the result that is unfailingly mathematical, that's why our reference is the Brownian movement taken to the social field. Non nova sed nove, Chapter IV, page 34 , VRC, 2008.

"Measurement changes everything" Niels Bohr.

Otherwise we would not have a way to travel.

From the screen of your PC pay attention and establish the social relationship because, if you think that the bubbles are equal to each other, with a little care in your monitor having selected one of them, you will discover first that when they start they do it fast in two or three planes and are not equal to each other throughout their journey because they mutate to different colors in fractions of a second continuously as long as the screen saver of your PC is not deactivated; but, not only is that, but the observed movement that is what determines the Brownian phenomenon is caused or produced as we know by the frequent contacts by which energy <knowledge> is shared between each other until they become uniform in a single plane or level or the continuous mixture of energy <knowledge> to which we must aspire for the case of the field of human individuals, identified as free entities by their displacement without importing at any given time their position in the quadrant or universe of work as it is intended of human behavior within the new social order achieved the evolution of knowledge, being different. Simple, no?

"In reality these contacts ensure a continuous mixture that unifies the energies or at least confers to the individual energies of the molecules a dispersion governed by the laws of statistics" Le roman de la matiére, 1966, Albert Ducrocq.

Friends, determine the number of inhabitants or LOAD CAPACITY of the globe or the land is then essential to safeguard our planet and any project that is intended to be carried out on the face of the globe and in outer space since this way it will be possible organize with certainty the work, production, consumption and activities immanent to man because we have no other choice; we have no other way than the one predetermined by MOTHER NATURE or natural sciences that in intimate correlation with the Brownian Model find in the order of the social the real possibility of aspiring to the ideal ethical behavior of humans as the model proposes, which It is not the product of the human mind but of the wise nature, revealing once again for the umpteenth time the infinite enigmas of the complex sciences as now consciously, unlike the past, we must understand the cybernetic link in support of the structuring of the NEW ORDER SOCIAL, for example, of the many interconnections required once the basic needs plus the education of the s. XXI.

For those who have not yet realized that the problem is humans we remind you that in principle what we should do is stop playing and mature. Except for the following, we will not comment further on the immutable lack of security in the achievement of nature projects that these were fed with the referents of the current way of governing from the millionaire budgets of the three levels of government to the modest from the shopkeeper on the corner because, the non grata magnates adorned with brand ties that have been dedicated to producing money as an archetype of the 21st century lifestyle, which have been for their outlandish appearances the best promoters of the idea that Greater population development through golf courses, hotels, planes, cars, houses, refrigerators, televisions, computers, cell phones, tablets, food, panties, blouses, pants, shoes, socks, hats, nail clippers, brushes, drugs, etc. generating more money for their eccentricities and wages for the workers have confused, for the understandable arrogance that grants the gold, the des growth with expansionism leaving aside or ignoring to want to govern the principle of basic load capacity for the development of any size of productive projects and not, which, on the planet, is exceeded precisely by the stubborn interference of such exotic policy initiatives public and private outside of any context talking about development in its purest sense as we come crushing.

If we had derived from nature his teachings we should be educated.

In such a way that the results of the projects that are generated by seeing only the capital's profits to continue expanding, including those that pride themselves on being "sustainable" without taking into account the global vision of said principle, will only favor ecological deterioration because in addition to the real intrusion and pollution that invariably involve the isolated initiatives in this scenario, translate into excessive, disorderly and uncontrollable demands for public services for which there will never be sufficient resources in this tendency under any regime that they reach for their consolidation or capacity to its follow-up and finally without covering the services and the deserved attention of the growing population entangled more the decisions of the high bureaucracy never better represented, which in Toffler's voice came to an end.

If we had targeted this elementary principle, we would have ensured the legitimate utilities of any investment, service to the community and the health of the planet without questioning what it is to govern.

If you think that you create organisms for the attention of each complication that arises under your form of production, reconsider because they only entangle the situation.

If we had interpreted from the knowledge that we already had the last century what we should start today, we would have saved ourselves wars, famines, pests and corruption.

If we had learned in time from scientific baggage what now requires us to practice, we should have integrated families, jobs, food, school, recreation and rest, forming healthy individuals of the century. XXI saving us at least one generation.

If we had proceeded according to what the Natural Laws already dictated to us, we would not deal with today the wake of unresolved problems in the whole chain of human affairs from our fragile birth to the expensive coffin, all because of the vague inaccuracies of what to grow and multiply.

If after this filipica there is still someone who can continue insisting that everything comes down to producing money by any shortcut and to fight for any reason, he will be flatly mistaken because, the peoples that start today with the proposed model will forge the first generation of happy individuals or otherwise, they will complain to us that we brought them to this dump... of which now, nobody gives reason...

Finally, with your sovereign indulgence dear friends, enemies and anodyne if I had not resorted to the Mexican saying "Entre menos burros más olotes" as a synopsis of this essay this would have been unforgivably truncated.

I greet you affectionately, thank you very much for your attention.

of four fifths.

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in the
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of the
"Victor Sandoval"

